Overview Click-Here Commerce: Digital Downloading presents the critical benchmarks destined to become the defining success factors of digital downloading. In this study, we challenge the efforts of many of the most popular sites. By revealing their shortcomings, we propose a road map for improvements in online music, film, TV and radio site user interface, the key to revenues,customer retention and future performance.
The internet has created tremendous opportunity for new music, television and movie businesses to develop. But at the same time, and perhaps at a faster pace, the distribution of pirated, counterfeit, unauthorized compilations and other physical pirated product have proliferated. We are experiencing at once both the inevitable decentralization and disintermediation in the entertainment industry. This is all made possible through the web, other distribution devices, and the emergence of entirely new distribution models. Add to these the critical mass in broadband usage, appropriate technology and strong reception in the consumer market to services such as iTunes and Rhapsody. We are confronted with the challenge to create wrap-around services and business models that compel users to pay for content, converting pirates to pilots. Consumers want to drive their own entertainment experience. Whether the audio or video digital content is rented, borrowed or purchased, ease of use and interface are and will remain the critical success factors. Consumers will pay to have control.
$5,000, £2,750, 4,000 euros (Release Date: March 2005)
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